
Meet the Team!

About Our Project

CovidTrail is an application designed after LumiSight UH. Users have to register an account and sign in before they can checkin, create their profile, and upload their vaccination info. The application was built using Meteor, React, and Material UI to build our application and MongoDB for our database.

The Takeaway

Working on this application gave us a fullstack experience, where we worked on frontend, backend, as well as a database. I have had previous experience working with most of these tools but there were some requirements such as the photo upload that I have never done before. In previous courses and projects we were given a base to start off on, but we were given free reign on how we would start this project. One of our team members recommended Material UI which I have not used before but was not too different from other frameworks I have used. It is always great to learn in a team setting, we were able to help each other out whenever we ran into obstacles whether it was setting up a collection or even finding a typo.

The Product

For my contributions, I worked on the vaccination page, grabbing the user’s information and displaying it on a card. I also created a collection to store information about the user’s profile creating the respective pages to edit and see the user’s profile. I’m not fantastic on design but I helped do frontend on these respective pages, and the landing page. It was great to practice all these aspects within our project. Troubleshooting errors, deciding issues and designs, and creating documentation for our page were also important learning points of a project for me.

Github Doc: Covid Trail Page

Github Page: Covid Trail GitHub Dev Page

Application: Covid Trail App